Message from the librarian
Hello Readers!
Welcome to the Del Valle Elementary School library website. My name is Marianne Alves and I am the school library media specialist. I have had the privilege of working at Del Valle Elementary since 2005. I am a lifelong Texan and graduate of Del Valle High School. As the librarian I interact directly with young people, engaging their passions, curiosities, appetite for learning and love of reading. I also develop and organize information resources and educate students and teachers to find, evaluate, use, and manage information. The library is designed to serve the needs of all children with their variety of abilities, learning preferences, and cultural understandings. The school library media center is important as a welcoming place in which students can engage in self-discovery and self-directed inquiry, free to move beyond the familiar, without fear of failure and with the support of warm, personal attention.
Marianne E. Alves, MLS